Family Council receives the “Public Copy” of MOHLTC inspection reports for this home, as they become available. These reports should also appear on the MOHLTC website, but there is often a significant lag time or there are omissions. This page provides access to as many of the “Public Copies” of the reports as possible. A brief summary of these reports is created by the Riverside Glen LTC Family Council.
Click on the link below to access the MOHLTC website for additional inspection reports.
Inspection Reports: Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC)
(A full update of this page is in progress)
For the complete Public Copy of a Report click on the reports below (inspection dates January – December 2016):
MOHLTC Inspection #1 Abuse, Neglect & Retaliation & Responsive Behaviours (January 2016)
MOHLTC Inspection #2 (Jan 29 2016)
MOHLTC Inspection #3 Oral Care (Feb 23 2016)
MOHLTC Inspection #4 Resident Quality Inspection (Mar 17, 2016)
MOHLTC Inspection #5 Nutrition/Hydration, Responsive Behaviours, Safe/Secure Home (April 18 2016)
For the complete Public Copy of a Report click on the reports below (inspection dates January – December 2015):
MOHLTC Inspection #1 Medication, Personal Support Services (January 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #2 Dignity, Choice, Privacy (January 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #3 Resident Quality Inspection (June 2015)
MOHLTC inspection #4 Prevention of Abuse, neglect & retaliation & Responsive Behaviours (April 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #5 Hospitalization & change in condition & Personal Support Services (April 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #6 Responsive behaviours (April 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #7 Prevention of Abuse neglect & retaliation (June 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #9 Pain (September 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #10 Infection Prevention & Control, Medication (October 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #11 Prevention of Abuse neglect & retaliation (October 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #12 Falls Prevention (September 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #13 Personal Support Services (October 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #15 Medication (October 2015)
MOHTC Inspection #16 Falls Prevention and Continence Care & Bowel Management (October 2015)
MOHLTC Inspection #17 Medication & Pain (December 2015)
For the Summary of reports click on the link below:
Family Council Summary of MOHLTC inspection reports 2014 (as of December 30, 2014)
For the complete Public Copy of a Report click on the reports below (inspection dates January – December 2014):
MOHLTC Inspection #1: General requirements & Skin and Wound Care (Jan 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #2: Family council & Infection Control (Jan/Feb 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #3: Pain (Feb 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #4: Prevention of abuse, neglect & retaliation (Feb 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #5: Prevention of abuse, neglect & retaliation (March 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #6: Personal Support Services (April 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #7: Falls Prevention & Hospitalization & Change in condition (April 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #8: Dignity, choice & privacy & Personal Support (April 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #9: Responsive Behaviours (May 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #10: Resident Quality Inspection (May 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #11: Prevention of Abuse, Neglect & Retaliation (May 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #12: Housekeeping, Medication, Nutrition and Hydration & Pain (May 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #13: Prevention of abuse, neglect & retaliation, Responsive Behaviours (June 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #15: Medication (June 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #16 Follow up (July 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #17 Medication Administration (August 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #18 Personal Support Services (August 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #19 Infection Prevention and Control (August 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #20 Pain (August 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #21 Falls Prevention (August 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #22 Nutrition & Hydration, Infection Prevention & Control (October 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #23 Accommodation Services Laundry (October 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #24 Accomodation Services Maintenance (November 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #25 Medication (November 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #26 Prevention of Abuse, Neglect & Retaliation, Safe & Secure home (November 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #27 Sufficient Staffing, Follow up (November 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #28 Falls Prevention (Novmber 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection #29 Skin & Wound Care (November 2014)
MOHLTC Inspection 32 Prevention of Abuse, Neglect & Retaliation, Policies (December 2014)
Family Council Summary of MOHLTC inspection reports 2013
For reports omitted from the MOHLTC website, click on the reports below
MOHLTC Inspection #2: Resident Quality Inspection (Jan 2013)
MOHLTC Inspection #16: Nutrition, Plan of care, Policies (Oct 2013)
MOHLTC Inspection #17: Accommodation Services: Maintenance (Aug 2013)
MOHLTC Inspection #18: Infection Prevention & Control (Sept 2013)
MOHLTC Inspection #19: Personal Support Services, Policies, Plan of care (Oct 2013)
MOHLTC Inspection 20 Personal Support Services (Nov 2013)
MOHLTC Inspection #21: Falls Prevention (Nov 2013)
MOHLTC Inspection #26 Dignity, Choice, Privacy (Dec 2013)
Click on the link below to access the MOHLTC website for additional inspection reports.
Inspection Reports: Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC)